CHURÁČKOVÁ, Hana; ČADA, Karel; PACLÍK, Miroslav. Rešeršní systémy průmyslověprávních informací

1st ed. Prague: Metropolitan University Prague Press, 2014. 162 s. ISBN 978-80-87956-07-6
The publication deals with searches in the field of industrial property rights, ie. information on patents, utility models and industrial designs, trademarks and appellations of origin and geographical indications. The different types of industrial property information are analyzed, its importance is outlined and the basic international standards for its efficient processing and making accessible are introduced. In the framework of the patent literature analysis of patent documents and gazettes issued by selected national or regional authorities for industrial property protection are described. For effective industrial property rights searches knowledge of relevant classification systems is necessary, therefore basic patent classifications and classifications used for trademarks and industrial designs are described.
In the publication several types of industrial property rights searches, possibilities and purposes of performing thereof and their importance are analyzed. The work also includes the retrieval methodology which is tailored to this specific type of information. A substantial part of the book deals with the significant searchable industrial property rights databases freely accessible via internet and made by the Czech Industrial Property Office, the European Patent Office, the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market, the World Intellectual Property Organization and the US Patent and Trademark Office.