Language Instruction
The Department of Foreign Languages provides high-quality foreign language instruction to students of non-philological specialisations taught at Metropolitan University Prague. The Department of Foreign Languages aims to put MUP on the map as a centre for internationally recognised Cambridge English exams. The department also focuses on research in the field of linguistics, and provides lessons of English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, and Czech as a second language. Students are assigned to a language group corresponding to their current language skills based on the result of a placement test. After completing their studies, each graduate receives a certificate stating their language level based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Learners of English also have the opportunity to study for and take an internationally recognised examination, i.e. Cambridge English. Moreover, students from different programmes, e.g. the Master’s Degree programme, have the opportunity to study foreign languages as an elective subject. The individual needs and preferences of our students are held in high priority, and part-time students have the opportunity to use the Moodle e-learning programme.
Asian Languages
The Department of Asian Studies implements courses of the following Asian Languages: Chinese, Japanese. Students who successfully complete four semesters of an Asian language and pass the final examination may qualify for a Certificate in Asian Languages.