JAKL, Ladislav a kol. Vývoj v oblasti právní ochrany duševního vlastnictví

1st ed. Prague: Metropolitan University Prague Press, 2018. ISBN 978-80-87956-84-7
The collective monograph on the development in the field of legal intellectual property protection, which is presented to the reader, is the result of original creative work of authors collective, formed by the Institute of Legal Property of Metropolitan University Prague and the Pavol Jozef Safarik University Kosice. Among authors collective members the notable patent and trade mark agent is not missing.
Research work output submitted in this collective monograph ties together with the previous research works in the field of legal protection of Industrial and other intellectual property. Collective of authors, who participated in monograph, managed to submit to the professional public the results, which will be, doubtless, useful for their theoretic and practical activity. And both regarding the development in the field of technical solutions legal protection and regarding the field of designation rights, especially trademarks. Very inspiring is the part on amendments of legal modifications in the field of intellectual property in the Slovak Republic and even the part on patent agent work.
It can be expressed, that creative authors collective succeeded in establishing integrated theoretical monograph, which starts from still obtained theoretical findings and it contains even the findings from praxis. We believe that the presented publication will enrich your knowledge in the field of intellectual property rights and their asserting and enforcement.