LACHOUT, Martin; DOMINIKOVÁ, Irena et al. The Common European Framework of Reference Descriptors Reformulated for Academic and Specialised Language Use.

1st ed. Prague: Metropolitan University Prague Press, 2014. 228 s. ISBN 978-80-86855-33-2
The Monograph „The Common European Framework of Reference Descriptors Reformulated for Academic and Specialised Language Use“ is a collective book elaborated by a team of Czech, Romanian and Slovak researchers. The articles are based on the contributors´ research within the TAMSEF project which received financial support from the grant provided by the Lifelong Learning Programme Gruntdvig.
The Monograph explores methods of transferring and adapting the existing CEFR descriptors to specific contexts in order to enable effective implementation of specific language competence descriptors for adult learners´ objective self-evaluation as well as enhancing performance in foreign language communicaton for tertiary and lifelong learners. The contributions determine different communicational activities, differentiate between levels and, furthermore, tailor the descriptors to specific domain of use.
W. Johnson deals with implementation of self-assessment for learners studying EFL in higher education.P. Cooper outlines a review of CEFR as they apply to Academic Writing in English and examines how the existing CEFR scales might be amended to the above mentioned domain of use. P. Cooper and I. Dominiková present findings and recommendations in connection with reviewing and extending the language descriptors of CEFR as they apply to Academic Writing. L. Muresan highlights the relevance of genre-based approach to Academic Research Writing. R. Vančáková, D. Denis, I. David, R. Barlea, H. Semanová and M. Pľuchtová respectively report their conclusions from research and elaborate on the contextualisation of CEFR to the areas of Business Writing in English and French.
The last contribution by M. Lachout, J. Pavlovová, Z. Minarčiková and M. Zvirinský is circumscribed to students´competence in dealing with specialised texts in German.
The Monograph aims primarily to assist in reforming university language teaching, by developing curricula, the communicative component of which is expressed in action oriented terms (CEFR descriptors), and secondarily to help create an educational culture that promotes reflection and accommodates self-assessment.