Bank Details

Bank Details for Payments in EUR

Please transfer all payments in EUR to the account administered by Sparkasse Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien, Frauenstraße 21, D – 02763 Zittau.

Bank: Sparkasse Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien, Frauenstraße 21, D – 02763 Zittau
IBAN: DE17850501000232013519
Reason for Payment: applicant’s application number (available in an e-mail confirming the application submission
                                            or upon login at
                                            student’s Study Contract number

Please make sure to choose SEPA as the relevant type of payment in case of all Euro payments.

Bank Details for Payments in CZK

Bank Account: 294 158 339/0800
Bank Address: Česká spořitelna, a.s., Vršovické nám. 67/8, CZ - 101 00 Praha 10
Variable Symbol: applicant’s application number (available in an e-mail confirming the application submission
                                    or upon login at
                                    student’s Study Contract number
Reason for Payment: first and last name of the student

Bank Details for International Payments in CZK

Bank: Česká spořitelna a.s., Vršovické nám. 67/8, CZ - 101 00 Praha 10
IBAN: CZ33 0800 0000 0002 9415 8339
Reason for Payment: first and last name of the applicant/student and his/her application number
                                            (available in an e-mail confirming the application submission or upon login at
student’s Study Contract number