
nostrification Requirement – Certificate of Recognition

Please note that pursuant to Act no. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), as amended, MUP students are required to submit a “nostrification” (i.e. a certificate of official recognition of diplomas/certificates from foreign educational institutions) upon enrolling to the University. Please find the general guidelines for submitting applications for the nostrification procedure below. For more information, please consult the Higher Education Act. no. 111/1998 Coll. (an official English translation is available on the website of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic at We also advise you to contact your Embassy to acquire information about specific requirements that may apply to you.

For detailed information on the process of nostrification, you are recommended to view the website of Multikulturní centrum Praha.

Bachelor’s Degree Study Programme Applicants

The following documents are required for the nostrification (called “NOSTRIFIKAČNÍ DOLOŽKA” in Czech) of your secondary-school leaving certificate:

  1. a legally attested copy of your secondary-school leaving certificate (with apostille, if applicable)
  2. transcript of all secondary-school subjects, if necessary (the local authority will provide you with further details)
  3. certified Czech translation of your certificate (by a court-sworn translator)
  4. completed application form (available at
  5. address in the Czech Republic (proved by an official document, e.g. personal ID, if applicable; applicants who do not have an official residence permit in the Czech Republic, yet, must apply for allocation of "regional affiliation", in Czech "přidělení místní příslušnosti")

The nostrification cost is CZK 1 000 and the process takes usually from 1 to 3 months.

Practical Information on Nostrification Procedure

Relevant nostrification office for the City of Prague:
Magistrát hlavního města Prahy
Jungmannova 29/35, Prague 1
Phone: +420 236 005 214

Relevant office for the region of Central Bohemia :
Krajský úřad Středočeského kraje
Zborovská 81/11, Prague 5
Phone: +420 257 280 293

Master’s and Doctoral Degree Study Programme Applicants

In order to be granted the official recognition of your Bachelor’s or Master’s diploma, you must submit a written application to the Rector’s office of a public higher education institution that conducts a study programme accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, equal or similar in content to the study programme from which you graduated. The public higher education institution may request that the authenticity of signatures and stamps on the original documentation be verified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country in which the higher education institution that issued the document is domiciled (or by another relevant authority).

For further information please consult the website of the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Czech Republic the list of public higher education institutions accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.

The following documents are required for the recognition of your Bachelor’s or Master’s Diploma:

  1. certified copy of the relevant diploma
  2. certified copy of the diploma supplement, or a transcript of records
  3. certified Czech/English translation of the diploma and diploma supplement (by a court-sworn translator); English diplomas usually do not need to be translated
  4. completed application form (available at or on the website of public universities – see the links below)

For further information please consult the following websites: