28/04/2022 - China and Africa

Department of International Business cordially invites you to a guest lecture of Dr. Elisa Gambino from London School of Economics, United Kingdom, on China and Africa.
WHEN: Thursday 28 April 2022 at 10:30 am
via MS Teams
If you want to be added as a guest, please contact Dr. Tereza Němečková at tereza.nemeckova@mup.cz.
China's rise in the global economy, coupled with astute use of state-backed financial incentives, has enable it to become the leading trading partner, the largest bilateral infrastructure financier, and a crucial actor in the international development landscape of the African continent. This lecture focuses on Chinese engagement with Africa across a range of sectors (i.e. natural resources, infrastructure, agriculture) and issues (i.e. security, global governance, international politics). The lecture will (i) explore the ways in which the dynamics of China’s economic and political ‘model’ impact on its relationship with African nations, (ii) highlight the varied responses of political elites, communities, countries, and regional organisations in Africa, and (iii) discuss the implications of Sino-African engagement in the context of North-South relations.
Main study questions:
1) Is China best understood as an economic competitor, development partner or hegemonic actor in its approach to Africa?
2) To what extent are different African actors (re)shaping their engagement with China?
3) Are emerging forms of South-South cooperation challenging the Western-led neoliberal paradigm of global governance?