31/03/2022 - Globalisation and Disruptive Business Models in Africa

Department of International Business cordially invites you to a guest lecture of Prof. Kobus Jonker from Tshwane School for Business and Society, Pretoria, South Africa, on Globalisation and Disruptive Business Models in Africa.
WHEN: Thursday 31 March 2022 at 10:30 am
via MS Teams
If you want to be added as a guest, please contact Dr. Tereza Němečková at tereza.nemeckova@mup.cz.
Africa is unique in many ways and many obstacles such as lack of infrastructure can be considered as serious obstacles for future growth. Despite this, there are many examples of the development of new Business Models based on the principles of “Bottom of the Pyramid“ and “Innovative Disruption”. As the term suggests, the “bottom of the pyramid or BOP” is used to describe the large group of consumers living at the bottom of the global economic or wealth pyramid. BOP represents a huge but overlooked consumer base and therefore a significant growth avenue, especially in the context of rising economic uncertainties and squeezed middle class in developed markets. Incorporating the BOP into an investment strategy for Africa is a smart and sustainable move that could benefit both the company and the consumers living at the BOP. Although it is tempting to discount the possibility of executing disruptive innovations in Africa because of the many obstacles to innovation on the continent, including poor infrastructure, the difficulty of doing business, and the very low incomes on the continent there are more and more examples of successful companies that emerged based on business models that are based on this principle. The lecture will focus on giving a good introduction and overview of the uniqueness of Africa and how within this context sustainable growth and business development is taking place.